Friday, 27 January 2017 10:29

World Sailing has published the class rules for Twin:Tip:Racing equipment used in the 2018 Youth Olympic Games and qualifier events.

World Sailing has published the equipment limitations to the kiteboarding events in the Youth Olympic Games 2018. The formats for all events (including kiteboarding, windsurfing and mixed multihull) will be published in a separate document, however for kiteboarding the format will be downwind slalom / boardercross, with obstacles added to the course depending on the wind strength.

The full text of the class rules can be found here:…/docume…/TTR2017CR280117-[21809].pdf

These class rule changes follow the decisions made by the 2016 IKA Annual General Meeting two weeks ago.

The registration deadline for TT:R hulls and kites is 1 September 2017. The equipment registration scheme will be available within the next few days.

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to send us any questions on equipment as well as format that you may have, which we will collect and publish in the FAQ section on the IKA website.

A dedicated TwinTip:Racing website will go online shortly with all information about equipment, format, rules, qualification system and upcoming events.

Last modified on Wednesday, 22 February 2017 09:41

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